Colorful NewYork
street by street
New York,
Los Angeles,
Berlin, Istanbul, Ankara,
Bishkek, Sara-i
Minsk ...
29 exhibitions
Artist and Professor Meliksah
Melixah is a modern topographic painter. He studied science education and art.
He opened 29 exhibitions in six different countries including Turkey, Germany,
Kyrgyzstan, and the USA. With his contemporaries, he attracts the audience by
the individuality and nature of his paintings, using 6 different fine art techniques
which are water color, inkpen, drawing pencil, minyature , acrylic, digital art mix
media. He developed new art styles and he teaches his methods to at the college.
Most of the awards he received were for his novel ideas and techniques in art
education. Currently, Professor Soyturk lives in New York.
Review about Meliksah `s art
Maia Sylba Muse touch Art Magazine Editor / Serbia
"Meliksah is a beautiful, talented, young artist with a special touch when it is about art and life generally. He gave me his full confidence when I was starting with my magazine, dedicated to visual arts, strongly believing in me. In that way he has proved not just how great artist he is, but also a wonderful human being, dear friend and a person, completely dedicated to art, opened for new adventures, noble and always there when other artists need help. His presentation in my magazine was noticed and he is still one of the most respected and popular artists in Musetouch. It is my great honor to know him and to having an opportunity to publish his art, to share it with all art loves. He has gave me his trust and his heart. Musetouch visual arts magazine would never be the same without him."
Artist Liz Mogollon from Bogota/Colombia
His work reflects the culture and history of Istanbul and his country Turkey. Through the lines of every artwork , are enclosing a mystic and religious concept. His art is characterized by the harmony of the aesthetics and also for his technique. The details allow the viewer to discover parallel stories in the same drawing, in addition to the architectural wealth of the cities and places that are represented. Meliksah's work can be described as harmonious, mystical and profound.
Artist Natalia Gesto /İnternatıonal artist from Paraguay
El arte de Melik es único. Paciente detallista atemporal idealista, lo siento onírico irreal e ideal. Me he sentido dentro de sus dibujos me he visto allí de pie y circulando en sus espacios viajando miles de kilómetros en un instante en tiempo y espacio, hasta esas tierras que sus obras especialmente provocan ganas de conocer. Sus obras dicen mucho de su persona y su buen caracter, de su dedicación paciencia y tezón, de sus valores humanos y de su rica vida espiritual, así como de su país y su cultura tan particular reflejada en los espacios y las arquitecturas exquisitas de sus obras con íconos característicos de sus tierras. Ha desarrollado un estilo personal propio reconocible e identificable. A través de su arte es que lo he podido conocer y reconocer, valorar y admirar, como alma, persona, y artista. Apreciando también su gran inquietud y casi avidez por compartir su arte, y el arte en general, y experiencias propias y de otros relacionándose con muchos artistas de muy diversas partes del mundo, compartiendo su vida, su cultura y su historia con quienes aprecien recibirle. Con deseos, búsqueda, voluntad y capacidad también de y para enseñar a través de sus obras y su arte, transmitiendo valores superiores de espiritualidad, amor, paz y alegría, iluminando corazones y vidas con el poder del arte. Gracias por tu arte, por compartir y ser, tienes mi reconocimiento y gran aprecio como artista y mis mejores deseos para tu vida, tu carrera y tu obra, que continúe creciendo e iluminando.
Jesús Fraga, Lecturer & Director, The City College of the City University of New York
MeliksahSoytürk’s attention to detail and the finer things is masterfully present in all his work! His art takes me back to a magical and beautiful place called Istanbul - with its charming streets, the view of the Bosporus, the windows in each of the houses… all telling a unique story to the eye. Soytürk captures meaning and energy, using charcoal as his strongest instrument. Most recently, I had the distinct pleasure of seeing his exhibit “New York Meets Istanbul”, in New York City, where this wonderful artist was able to showcase his unique talent and expertise.
Dr. Atakan Ata, Athens Georgia Universty/Educationalist
Soyturk’s knowledge in science and various disciplines has helped him understand the nature and historic events well instead of looking at them in a unilateral way. His love for art and Istanbul made him unite these two beloved together. Soyturk has studied Da Vinci, and his admiration for Da Vinci has positively added to his life and artwork. He continuously gives seminars to help people understand and like art and science. He is not only a prolific artist but also a teacher and a scientist
New Art works ready to go...
“We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!” (Richard Bach, 2006, 17)
46th Street–Bliss Street is a local station on the IRT Flushing Line of the New York City Subway. Located at the intersection of 46th Street and Queens Boulevard in Sunnyside, Queens
New York times with 4 art in 1
Charcola drawing ,inkpen, watercolor and Photo of artist
In a 1998 report entitled Breakfast and Cognition: an Integrative Summary, it noted that ‘blood glucose plays a role in cognitive function’, and concluded that ‘omitting breakfast interferes with cognition and learning’.
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Dancing on the ice ,Winter in New York